The other day I met with a client who was SO frustrated because it felt like everything in her life was working against her goals.
She has a demanding job … her family life is hectic … AND she is taking on some new responsibilities with her aging parents.
“There is absolutely no time for ME,” she told me.
And you know what? She’s right. She has a TON on her plate.
So I suggested she make a mindset shift … and CUT HERSELF SOME SLACK.
Which can be incredibly hard to do, especially if you’re super goal oriented.
It’s not about being “on” or “off” her health & fitness routine. Instead, it’s about doing the best you can RIGHT NOW.
Over the long run, it’s your everyday habits that have the biggest impact on your health & fitness.
Habits like:
All of these actions will add MORE to your life.
More energy (and less stress!) … and more vitality to take on each and every day, feeling strong and empowered.
When you’re facing challenges, you NEED support, accountability, and a troubleshooter who can step back and see the big picture …
… and help you come up with solutions that work with your schedule & goals.
Whatever you need, please let us know. Don’t hesitate to reach out!