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The “No Complaining Rule” and How It Can Change Your Mindset

Every New Year, I sometimes need a reset, and one book that helps me get into the right mindset is “The No Complaining Rule” by Jon Gordon.

If you’re not familiar with Jon Gordon, he’s a best-selling author, motivational speaker, and the host of the “The Jon Gordon Podcast.” His work focuses on creating a positive mindset, building strong teams, and cultivating success in all areas of life. His books, often written as short, impactful fables, offer practical advice in an engaging and relatable way.

“The No Complaining Rule” is one of those books. It’s packed with lessons that can help you bring more positivity into your life. Here are a few strategies from the book to help you get started:

1. The “But” Rule

We all complain—it’s human nature. BUT you can turn it around by adding a positive twist.

For example:

  • “I’m bummed I didn’t get all my workouts in, but I did walk outside for 30 minutes each day.”
  • “I wish my co-worker had done a better job during the presentation, but it was their first one, and now we have a great opportunity to improve together next time.”

It’s a simple shift that makes a big difference.

2. “Get to” Instead of “Have to”

How often do we say we have to do something? That phrase can bring a sense of negativity and obligation. Try flipping it to get to instead, and watch how your perspective changes:

  • “I have to work out tonight” → “I get to go to the gym tonight and work on my health.”
  • “I have to prepare this presentation” → “I get to build my skills and share ideas with my team.”

What do you get to do today?

3. Seek Opportunities

Complaints happen—we all have problems. But mindless, nonstop complaining promotes negativity and focuses only on the problems.

Instead, focus on opportunities and solutions. By changing your language and mindset, you can turn challenges into stepping stones for growth.

Your Turn!

How are you going to implement “The No Complaining Rule” in your life?