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Keep Pushing Forward – Even When Life Gets Messy

We’re creatures of habit and thrive on routine. You’ve probably heard this before, but it’s always worth a reminder!

However, life doesn’t always go as planned. There are setbacks – and how you react to those moments can make all the difference.

If success was a straight line, we’d all be there by now. But there are ebbs and flows, and challenges along the way.

Picture this: you’re working on your health, hitting your goals, feeling great. Then, life throws a curveball – your kid gets sick, you catch something, or you just have a few rough days. Suddenly, you’re off track. You have two choices: keep spiraling, or regroup and get back on the path.

I see this all the time (and I need this reminder too!).

The people who succeed aren’t always the ones who start strong – they’re the ones who keep showing up, even on tough days. They don’t let a bad day turn into a bad week. They adapt, refocus, and keep moving forward.

So, what’s it going to be? Push forward, or stop?

One last thought:

If you’ve lost 40 pounds over six months, built new habits, and then have a tough month where you gain 10 pounds, does that make you a failure?

Absolutely not! You’re still down 30 pounds, you’ve proven what you’re capable of, and all you need is to get back on track.

Remember, you’re a work in progress. The big picture matters more than any one setback.